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Joe & PatriciaAbout Us
“In the late 1990’s, my passion for ballroom and Latin dance led me to seek a better and more cost effective way of helping others learn to dance. The Dance Store was born in April 1999 with the offering of Hustle Volume 1, a unique video in that it contained twice the content of competitive offerings. This has been our trademark ever since: for equal price, offer twice the content of the competition.
Now we’ve gone a step further in helping folks learn to dance in an affordable way: The Dance Store Online Learning Center. In the Learning Center you will find a wealth of free information and free instructional video clips. Even if you never purchase a single video from me, I guarantee you will come away from this site with a greater knowledge and appreciation of dance.”
—Joe Baker, Owner, The Dance Store
Our Goal
The Dance Store's main goal is to promote partner dancing and to help people learn how to dance in an easy, affordable way. To achieve this, we will offer 1) free online information, and 2) video products that typically contain twice the content of those from other producers.
"Dancing has been a tremendous joy to me. I want to help others experience the pleasures of partner dancing without incurring unnecessary costs and frustrations. Most folks simply cannot afford to pay $50/hour on an ongoing basis to receive private dance instruction. The other thing I wish to do is share my 'field tested' patterns that can be led (and followed) in social dancing. It's taken me a long time to accumulate a good collection of patterns that work nicely and reliably in social dancing. In these tapes, I'm sharing this distillation of years of trials. I welcome any support in my mission to make partner dancing affordable. Teachers, judges, social dancers: I'll appreciate and share any information you contribute."
—Joe Baker, Owner, The Dance Store
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Our dance DVD's represent the "high end" of dance video offerings. Each contains a "Contents" section, demonstrations to music, discussions on how to count the steps in time to the music, and discussions about common problems and mistakes. All moves are titled and all patterns are sequenced to build logically from the most basic to the more challenging. You can see previews of several of our videos by visiting our Dance DVD's page.
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Joe BakerJoe Baker
Joe Baker is a former UCWDC division 4 competitor and he has also competed extensively in hustle. Patricia and Joe were Atlantic Swing 2000 champions in the Advanced Hustle division. Joe Baker is the owner of The Dance Store, which was founded in 1999.
Patricia TaylorPatricia Taylor
Patricia Taylor is a former UCWDC division 1 competitor. She was nationally ranked and competed in the UCWDC "Worlds" championship. Patricia has many years of ballroom teaching experience.
Sarah is a former United Country Western Dance Council (UCWDC) division 3 competitor. She's competed in swing, two step, cha cha, and waltz and she also assists in teaching ballroom dancing. Sarah pulls double duty for the dance store as one of the models for our website graphics.
A popular social dancer in the Richmond Virginia area, Jamie is a former country and swing dance competitor.

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The Dance Store Online Your Source for Ballroom and Latin Dance Instruction P.O. Box 72732, Richmond, VA 23235, USA