Please be careful not to confuse this dance with the Texas Two Step, which is the fast-traveling country-western dance made popular by the movie,
Urban Cowboy. Night Club two step uses slow, romantic music.
Our Night Club Partner Dancing teaches a few patterns for Night Club Two Step.
The basic step is like the whisk step in samba and the basic step uses slow, quick, quick step timing. View the video clip to understand this dance better.
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Night Club Two Step uses slow, romantic music.
"The Lady In Red" by Chris DeBurgh and "Amazed" by Lone Star are two examples of tunes that Night Club Two Step is suitable for.
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Night Club Two Step is derived from bolero and rumba. These dances have many figures in common.
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Here are some "universal tips" for learning how to dance a partner dance such as foxtrot, swing, or waltz.
- First, acquire a few audio CD's of the music and play the music over and over in your home or automoble. Next, count the step timing in time to the music. This you can do sitting down, perhaps while driving. For example, for waltz, call out the 1,2,3 1,2,3 step timing in time to the music. For foxtrot, call out the step timing using slows and quicks. For cha cha and rumba, it's important to recognize the first beat of each measure. Otherwise you may dance on the incorrect beat. If necessary, have your instructor assist you in learning to count the step in time to the music. Dancing in correct time to the music is absolutely essential. Continue this "sitting down and listening" exercise for as long as necessary until you can easily and automatically count the step in time to the music. The Ultimate Ballroom Practice CD sold by The Dance Store might be a helpful
- Next, practice the basic step, including the step timing, until the step is automatic - like tying a shoe. Using east coast swing as an example, practice the triple step, triple step, rock step basic until it's automatic. Next, practice this basic to music until it becomes automatic. Many basic steps can be practiced without a partner.
At this point, your brain is "freed up" to allow learning steps and patterns because you no longer have to concentrate on timing and step counting.
Many folks get frustrated if they can't dance competently immediately. Certainly individuals vary in dance aptitude, but all dancers must go through the awkward stages before they get to the polished stage.
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