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Polka dance music ~ information and examples!

Polka music is written in 2/4 time and the tempo is fast, usually more than 190 beats per minute. The polka was originally a European peasant dance and originally, the polka was danced to lively folk music. Perhaps the most famous polka song is the “Beer Barrel Polka,” made famous by Frank Yankovic.

Polka Music Examples


Polka Songs

This is list of popular and recognizable songs that the polka can be danced to. Studying this list and hearing and thinking about each song should give you a good idea of the distinctive rhythmic feel of the polka. While we do not carry CD's containing these selections, we do offer a great practice CD with tracks for polka and other ballroom and Latin dances.

  • "The Beer Barrel Polka" - Frank Yankovic
  • "Who Stole the Keeshka" - Frank Yankovic

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Polka CD's

Due to having a high number of danceable songs on each, these CD's offer a good value to those seeking polka music. While we do not carry these CD's we do offer a great practice CD tracks for polka and other ballroom and Latin dances.

World's Greatest Polka Package - Various Artists

Songs of the Polka King, Vol. 1 - Frankie Yankovic

Songs of the Polka King, Vol. 2 - Frankie Yankovic

I Love to Dance the Polka [#1] - Al Soyka & Orchestra

Greatest Polka Hits of All Time - Bobby Vinton

24 Polkas Greatest Hits - Myron Floren

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