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Waltz DVDs & videos - ballroom dance instruction!

For fast paced instruction and many more patterns, check out our Waltz and Let's Talk Dance Double Feature .
Waltz Volume 1: Beginner - Advanced

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Waltz Volume 1: Beginner - Advanced

Price: $30.00  •  Length: 95 minutes
Patterns: 30  •  Instructors: Joe & Sarah, Gary & Lisa

DVD Only  
Also available as an mp4 download file!

Double Feature!
Also includes Intermediate Waltz with world champions Gary and Lisa McIntyre

This double-feature DVD has a total of 2 1/2 hours of content with more than thirty-five figures and many variations and combinations. These are great patterns for social dancing or for competition dancing. The figures are mainly American style, but the video shows six patterns of the International style. This video is fully suitable for the complete beginner, but it goes on to show a boatload of intermediate and advanced patterns. The second video on the DVD is intermediate American style waltz with UCWDC world champions Gary and Lisa McIntyre. This is an incredible bargain – two videos and 2 ½ hours of instruction for less than the price of a one-hour private lesson! Note: both videos are contained on one disc. The easy DVD navigation menu takes you right where you wish to go. A printed step list is provided and all figures are titled and numbered.

Step List

             Video 1: Joe and Sarah

  1. Box Step
  2. Quarter Turns
  3. Closed Changes
  4. Forward Streamline Basic
  5. Backward Streamline Basic
  6. Back Basic and Changes
  7. Promenade Basic
  8. Basic Twinkle
  9. Rolling Twinkle (Toss Across)
  10. She Goes/He Goes Twinkles
  11. Open Hand Hold Toss Across
  12. Roll In/Push Off
  13. Right Turning Basic (Twinkle Roundabout)
  14. Open Hand Hold Serpentine (Spirals)
  15. Serpentine Danced in Closed
  16. Promenade and Inside Turn
  17. Vine and Free Spins (Leader on Outside)
  18. Vine and Free Spins (Lady on Outside)
  19. Triple Twinkle
  20. Left Turning Basic
  21. Left Turn with Turn for Lady
  22. Single Pivot
  23. Pivot Spirals
  24. She Goes/He Goes CCW Turns
  25. Pair Turns
  26. Windmill Turns
  27. Overhead Tick Tocks
  28. Tandem Turns,
  29. Reverse Turn, Closed Change,
  30. Reverse Turn, Whisk, Chasse, Natural Spin Turn.
  31. Final Dance Demonstration.

             Video 2: Gary and Lisa

  • Section 1: 1. Box Step Review, 2. Twinkle, 3. Opening Out/Crisscross, 4. Right to Right Crisscross, 5. Arm Throw Crisscross.
  • Section 2: Syncopation and Spiral, Spiral and Cross behind step.
  • Section 3: Feather Step #1, Feather Step #2.
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