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Dancer's Dictionary
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Ballroom and Latin dance terms and definitions!

In this dictionary you will find definitions for dances and dance terms used on this site and in the ballroom dance community. Terms are sorted alphabetically, making this a handy reference for beginning and advanced dancers alike. Common Abbreviations are listed in their own section.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Common Abbreviations


reverse turn - a turn to the left.

rhythm break - To leave the natural rhythm of the pattern.

rhythm category - A category of dancing that include the following American Style dances danced at competitions: rumba, cha cha, bolero, mambo and swing.

ride - A ride, sometimes referred to as a horse and cart movement occurs when one partner supports and rotates the riding partner on an axis.
See 'Definitions of Dance Terms' video >>

rise and fall - Coming up on the toes by bracing the ankles and stretching the spine then lowering to the heels.

rock - Two weight changes with the feet apart, taken in any direction.
See 'Basic Steps in Ballroom Dancing' video >>

roll - The indicated body part circles right or left.

rumba - A slow, sensuous, romantic Latin dance which spotlights the lady and features much flirtation.
See the Rumba Learning Area for more information >>
Also see our Rumba DVD dance videos >>

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The Dance Store Online Your Source for Ballroom and Latin Dance Instruction P.O. Box 72732, Richmond, VA 23235, USA