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Video Formats

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There are 3 technical standards for Video/VHS in the world - NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. Different countries use different formats. Here they are, listed by country name:

Abu Duabi (PAL)
Afghanistan (PAL)
Albania (SECAM)
Algeria (PAL)
Antigua (NTSC)
Antilles (NTSC)
Argentina (PAL)
Aruba (NTSC)
Australia (PAL)
Austria (PAL)
Azores (PAL)
Bahamas (NTSC)
Bahrain (PAL)
Bangladesh (PAL)
Barbados (NTSC)
Belgium (PAL)
Bermuda (NTSC)
Bolivia (NTSC)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (PAL)
Brazil (NTSC or PAL-M)
Brunei (PAL)
Bulgaria (SECAM)
Burma (NTSC)
Cameroon (SECAM)
Canada (NTSC)
Canary Islands (PAL)
Cayman Islands (NTSC)
Channel Islands (PAL)
Chile (NTSC)
China (PAL)
Columbia (NTSC)
Congo (SECAM)
Costa Rica (NTSC)
Croatia (PAL)
Cuba (NTSC)
Curacao (NTSC)
Cyprus (PAL)
Czech Republic (PAL)
Denmark (PAL)
Djibouti (SECAM)
Dominican Republic (NTSC)
Dubai (PAL)
Egypt (SECAM)
El Salvador (NTSC)
Equador (NTSC)
Finland (PAL)
France (SECAM)
French Guyana (SECAM)
Gabon (SECAM)
Germany (East) (SECAM)
Germany (West) (PAL)
Ghana (PAL)
Gibraltar (PAL)
Greece (SECAM)
Greenland (PAL)
Guadeloupe (SECAM)
Guam (NTSC)
Guatemala (NTSC)
Haiti (NTSC)
Honduras (NTSC)
Hong Kong (PAL)
Hungary (SECAM)
Iceland (PAL)
India (PAL)
Indonesia (PAL)
Iran (SECAM)
Iraq (SECAM)
Ireland (PAL)
Israel (PAL)
Italy (PAL)
Ivory Coast (SECAM)
Jamaica (NTSC)
Japan (NTSC)
Jordan (PAL)

Kenya (PAL)
Korea (North) (PAL)
Korea (South) (NTSC)
Kuwait (PAL)
Laos (PAL)
Lebanon (SECAM)
Liberia (PAL)
Libya (SECAM)
Luxembourg (PAL)
Madagascar (SECAM)
Madeira (PAL)
Malaysia (PAL)
Malta (PAL)
Martinique (SECAM)
Mauritius (SECAM)
Mexico (NTSC)
Monaco (PAL)
Mongolia (SECAM)
Morocco (SECAM)
Mozambique (PAL)
Namibia (PAL)
Netherlands (PAL)
New Zealand (PAL)
Nicaragua (NTSC)
Nigeria (PAL)
Norway (PAL)
Oman (PAL)
Pakistan (PAL)
Panama (NTSC)
Paraguay (PAL)
Peru (NTSC)
Philippines (NTSC)
Poland (PAL)
Polynesia (SECAM)
Portugal (PAL)
Puerto Rico (NTSC)
Qatar (PAL)
Reunion (SECAM)
Romania (SECAM)
Russia (SECAM)
Saban (PAL)
Saipan (NTSC)
Sarawak (PAL)
Saudi Arabia (SECAM)
Senegal (SECAM)
Sierre Leone (PAL)
Singapore (PAL)
Slovak Republic (SECAM)
Slovenia (PAL)
South Africa (PAL)
Spain (PAL)
Sri Lanka (PAL)
Sudan (PAL)
Surinam (NTSC)
Swaziland (PAL)
Sweden (PAL)
Switzerland (PAL)
Taiwan (NTSC)
Tanzania (PAL)
Thailand (PAL)
Tibet (PAL)
Trinidad (NTSC)
Turkey (PAL)
Uganda (PAL)
United Arab Emirates (PAL)
United Kingdom (PAL)
Uruguay (PAL)
Venezuela (NTSC)
Yemen (PAL)
Zaire (SECAM)
Zambia (PAL)
Zanzibar (PAL)
Zimbabwe (PAL)

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